A puppet theory for the human nothing
02 February “The Girl with the little Suitcase / JAMC Festival / Tunis, Tunisia
06 April “Clowns’ Houses” / Burghof Lörrach, Germany
10 April “Noone’s Land” /Tenerife Puppet Festival / Tenerife, Spain
11April “Noone’s Land” /Tenerife Puppet Festival / Tenerife, Spain
12 April “Noone’s Land” /Tenerife Puppet Festival / Tenerife, Spain
13 April “Noone’s Land” /Tenerife Puppet Festival / Tenerife, Spain
May, June New Creation
21 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
22 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
23 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
24 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
25 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
26 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
27 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
28 July Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
18 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
19 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
20 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
21 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
22 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
23 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
24 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
25 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
12 November “Clowns’ House” / Theatre Platz / Luzern, Switzerland
13 November “Clowns’ House” / Theatre Platz / Luzern, Switzerland
14 November “Clowns’ House” / Theatre Platz / Luzern, Switzerland
08 February “Clowns’ Houses” / JAMC Festival / Tunis, Tunisia
22 March “Noose” / FigurenTheater Winterhur / Winterhur, Switzerland
23 March “Noose” / FigurenTheater Winterhur / Winterhur, Switzerland
11 April “Noone’s Land” / Nottingham Puppet Festival / Nottingham, UK
17 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
18 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
19 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
20 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
21 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
22 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
23 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
24 April Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
11 May “Noone’s Land” / Zamora Principal Theater/ Zamora, Spain
12 May “Noone’s Land” / Burgos Principal Theater/ Burgos, Spain
13 May “Noone’s Land” / Titirimundi Festival/ Segovia, Spain
June Research Process / Studio Handbendi / Hvammstangi, Iceland
21 June Research Presentation / Hip Festival / Hvammstangi, Iceland
22 June Research Presentation / Hip Festival / Hvammstangi, Iceland
23 June Research Presentation / Hip Festival / Hvammstangi, Iceland
20 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
21 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
22 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
23 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
24 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
25 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
26 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
27 August Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
05 September ”Noose” / At.tension Festival / Larz, Germany
06 September ”Noose” / At.tension Festival / Larz, Germany
07 September ”Noose” / At.tension Festival / Larz, Germany
08 September ”Noose” / At.tension Festival / Larz, Germany
18 September ”Clowns’ Houses”/ Witkacy Theatre, Zakopane, Poland
19 September ”Clowns’ Houses”/ Witkacy Theatre, Zakopane, Poland
29 September ”Noone’s Land” / Figurentheater Grashüpfer / Berlin, Germany
11 October ”Noose” / Marionettes Festival in Espinho / Espinho, Portugal
21 October Workshop / Puck International Festival / Cluj, Romania
22 October Workshop / Puck International Festival / Cluj, Romania
23 October ”Noone’s Land” / Puck International Festival / Cluj, Romania
01 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
01 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
02 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
03 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
04 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
05 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
06 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
07 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
08 December Workshop / Merlin Lab / Berlin,Germany
12 December ”Clowns’ Houses” / Hamburger Puppy Theater / Hamburg, Germany
13 December ”Clowns’ Houses” / Hamburger Puppy Theater / Hamburg, Germany
Due to its new Creations as well the organisation of its anual Workshops, Merlin Puppet Theatre will perform limited live performances for 2023.
13 March “Noone´s Land” / JAMC Festival / Tunis, Tunisia
14 March “Noone´s Land” / JAMC Festival / Tunis, Tunisia
14 April “Clowns’ Houses” / Moving Parts Festival / Newcastle, UK
14 May “Clowns’ Houses” / Novi Sad Theater Festival / Novi Sad, Serbia
25 May “Noone’s Land” / Input Festival / Karlovac, Croatia
01 September “Noose” / Plodviv , Bulgaria
07 September “Masterclass Workshop” / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
21 September “Noose” / Zakopane , Poland
22 September “Noose” / Zakopane , Poland
01 November “Clowns’ Houses” / Theatre Blaues Haus/ Krefeld, Germany
02 November “Clowns’ Houses” / Figurentheatertag/ Dülmen, Germany
09 November “Noone’s Land” / Inpuls Festival / Bucharest, Romania
10 November “Noose” / Inpuls Festival / Bucharest, Romania
24 November “Masterclass Workshop” / Merlin Lab / Berlin, Germany
tHE FuTURe IS uNwritten…
21 March “Noose” / JAMC Festival / Carthage, Tunisia
22 March “Noose” / JAMC Festival / Carthage, Tunisia
12 May “Noose” / Immagina Festival / Rome, Italy
13 May “Noose” / Immagina Festival / Rome, Italy
15 May “Noose” / Immagina Festival / Rome, Italy
29 May “Noose” / Kalamata Puppet Festival / Kalamata, Greece
19 June “Noose” / Puppet No Puppet Festival / Bialystok, Poland
24 June “Noose” / Le Petit Poucet le Festival / Liege, Belgium
30 June “Noose” / Fusion Festival / Larz, Germany
01 July “Noose” / Fusion Festival / Larz, Germany
02 July “Noose” / Fusion Festival / Larz, Germany
06 July Workshop / Ei! Marionettas Festival / Gondomar, Portugal
07 July Workshop / Ei! Marionettas Festival / Gondomar, Portugal
08 July “Noose” / Ei! Marionettas Festival / Gondomar, Portugal
12 September “Noose” / Fest der Puppen / Lingen, Germany
13 September “Noose” / Alte Weberei Kulturzentrum / Nordhorn, Germany
16 September “Noose” / Temps d’M 2022 / Charleville Mezieres, France
17 September “Noose” / Temps d’M 2022 / Charleville Mezieres, France
18 September “Noose” / Temps d’M 2022 / Charleville Mezieres, France
28 September “Clowns’ Houses” / Tbilisi Int. Theater Festival / Tbilisi, Georgia
29 September “Clowns’ Houses” / Tbilisi Int. Theater Festival / Tbilisi, Georgia
07 October Masterclass Workshop / HIP Festival, Hvammstangi, Iceland.
08 October “Noose” / HIP Festival, Hvammstangi, Iceland.
09 October Masterclass Workshop / HIP Festival, Hvammstangi, Iceland.
20 October “Noone’s Land” / Colegio Baldor/Baja California Sur, Mexico
22 October “Noone’s Land” / Foro de Arte y Cultura/ Guadalajara , Mexico
23 October “Noone’s Land” / Foro de Arte y Cultura/ Guadalajara, Mexico
25 October “Noone’s Land” / Teatro de la Ciudad/ Celaya, Mexico
26 October “Noone’s Land” / Teatro de la Ciudad/ Irapuato, Mexico
27 October “Noone’s Land” / Maria Grever Theater, Leon, Mexico
28 October “Noone’s Land” / Cervantino Festival / Guanajuato, Mexico
29 October “Noone’s Land” / Cervantino Festival / Guanajuato, Mexico
30 October “Noone’s Land” / Cervantino Festival / Guanajuato, Mexico
26 November “Noone’s Land” / Espacio Abierto/ Madrid, Spain
27 November “Noone’s Land” / Espacio Abierto/ Madrid, Spain
16 June “Noose” / Pestka Theatre Festival / JeleniaGora, Poland
11 July “Noone’s Land” / Teatri del Mondo / Porto Sant Elpidio, Italy
03 September “Clowns’ Houses” / Plodviv, Bulgaria
11 September “Noone’s Land” / Skipton Puppet Festival, Skipton, UK
29 September “Noone’s Land” / Kalamata Puppet Festival / Kalamata/ Greece
09 October “Clowns’ Houses” / Hvammstangi Festival / Hvammstangi, Iceland
22 October “Noone’s Land” / Cervantino Festival / Guanajuato, Mexico (Canceled)
30 October “Noose” / Neauchatel Festival / Neauchatel, Switzerland
31 October “Noose” / Neauchatel Festival / Neauchatel, Switzerland
17 January “Noose” / Lindenfels Westfluegel / Leipzig, Germany
18 January “Noose” / Lindenfels Westfluegel / Leipzig, Germany
14 February “Clowns’ Houses” / Fabric Palast / Aarau, Switzerland
15 February “Clowns’ Houses” / Fabric Palast / Aarau, Switzerland
08 March “Noone’s Land” / Boze Wolf Festival / Aarschot, Belgium
25 April “Noose” / English Theater Berlin / Berlin Germany (Canceled)
02 May “Noose” / PESTKA Festival / Jelenia Gora, Poland (Canceled)
22 May “Noose” /Μinsk Puppet Festival / Minsk, Belarus (Canceled)
04 July “Noose”/ Ei Marionettas / Gondomar, Portugal (Canceled)
17 July “Clowns’ Houses” / Beverley Puppet Festival / Beverley, UK (Canceled)
01 October “Clowns’ Houses” / Social Theatre Dresden / Dresden, Germany
02 October “Clowns’ Houses” / Social Theatre Dresden / Dresden, Germany
03 October “Clowns’ Houses” / Social Theatre Dresden / Dresden, Germany
04 October “Noone’s Land” / Social Theatre Dresden / Dresden, Germany
09 October “Clowns’ Houses” / Hip Int. Festival / Hvammstangi, Iceland (Canceled)
10 October Workshop / Hip Int. Festival / Hvammstangi, Iceland (Canceled)
29 October “Noose” / English Theater / Berlin, Germany
29 October “Noone’s Land” / Cervantino Int. Festival / Guanajuato, Mexico (Canceled)
30 October “Noone’s Land” / Cervantino Int. Festival / Guanajuato, Mexico (Canceled)
31 October “Noone’s Land” / Cervantino Int. Festival / Guanajuato, Mexico (Canceled)
28 November “Noone’s Land” / Theatre Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
29 November “Noone’s Land” / Theatre Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
30 November “Noone’s Land” / Theatre Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
01 December “Noone’s Land” / Theatre Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
02 December “Noone’s Land” / Theatre Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
03 December “Noose” / Theater Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
04 December “Noose” / Theater Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
19 January “Noone’s Land” /Theater Valle Inclán / Madrid, Spain
20 January “Noone’s Land” /Theater Valle Inclán / Madrid, Spain
24 January “Noone’s Land” / TOPIC Tolosa / Tolosa, Spain
25 January “Noone’s Land” / TOPIC Tolosa / Tolosa, Spain
26 January “Noone’s Land” / TOPIC Tolosa / Tolosa, Spain
17 February “Noone’s Land” / Theater Chur / Chur, Switzerland
18 February “Noone’s Land” / Theater Chur / Chur, Switzerland
19 February “Noone’s Land” / Theater Chur / Chur, Switzerland
22 February “Clowns’ Houses” /Materia Prima Festival / Krakow, Poland
23 February “Clowns’ Houses” /Materia Prima Festival / Krakow, Poland
25 February “Noone’s Land” /Tanadarica Theater / Bukarest, Romania
26 February “Clowns’ Houses” /Tanadarica Theater / Bukarest, Romania
27 February Workshop / Tanadarica Theater / Bukarest, Romania
02 March “Noone’s Land” / Mykonos Puppet Festival / Mykonos, Greece
14 March “Clowns’ Houses” / Theater Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
15 March “Clowns’ Houses” / Theater Stadelhofen / Zurich, Switzerland
8 April Workshop / Moving Parts Puppet Festival / Newcastle, UK
9 April Workshop / Moving Parts Puppet Festival / Newcastle, UK
10 April “Noone’s Land” / Moving Parts Puppet Festival / Newcastle,UK
27 April “Clowns’ Houses”/ Rombic Festival / Barcelona, Spain
3 May “Frogs ” by Aristophanes / National Opera of Greece / Athens, Greece
4 May “Frogs ” by Aristophanes / National Opera of Greece / Athens, Greece
23 May “Clowns’ Houses” / Int. Performing Arts Festival /Busan,Republic of Korea
24 May “Clowns’ Houses” / Int. Performing Arts Festival /Busan,Republic of Korea
25 May “Clowns’ Houses” / Int. Performing Arts Festival /Busan,Republic of Korea
14 June “Noone’s Land” / Artisti in piazza Festival / Pennabilly, Italy
15 June “Noone’s Land” / Artisti in piazza Festival / Pennabilly, Italy
16 June “Noone’s Land” / Artisti in piazza Festival / Pennabilly, Italy
3 August “Noone’s Land” / Cork Puppetry Festival / Cork, Ireland
4 August “Noone’s Land” / Cork Puppetry Festival / Cork, Ireland
7 October “Noose” / Puppet is a Human Too Festival / Warsaw, Poland (Int.Premiere)
8 October “Noose” / Puppet is a Human Too Festival / Warsaw, Poland
19 October “Clowns’ Houses” / Theatre Salz+Pfeffer / Nurnberg, Germany
26 October “Clowns’ Houses” / Anima International Festival / Sardinia, Italy
7 December “Noose” / Marche Noir des Petites Utopies / Marseille, France